Studying abroad changed senior NCOB student, Hannah Lilly
For as long as I can remember, it has been a dream of mine to travel. What I didn’t realize at a young age, was that my dream would become reality thanks to the CSU study abroad program. Interestingly, the Lord connected me with Stephanie LeVan, the university’s study abroad director, prior to my freshman year at CSU before I even stepped on campus. That’s a story for another day. By sophomore year, I was blessed to work with Stephanie, Dr. Heather Chadwick, and the chairs of CSU to get my credits approved and to arrange my schedule. With their guidance, I chose to study abroad in London, England, and by fall 2023, I was on an international flight on my way to the University of Roehampton.
Studying abroad allowed me opportunities that I never thought possible. Since my classload was lighter, I was able to gain valuable experiential knowledge by spending less time sitting in a classroom and more time traveling and exploring. Seeing Hamilton on the West End, experiencing Oxford Street lit up with Christmas lights, wandering Windsor Castle a day after King Charles was there, and hiking up the Seven Sister Cliffs were just the beginning of my adventures in London. I was also able to visit Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, and Iceland while I was overseas. Some of my favorite memories include seeing the Northern lights on a solo trip to Iceland, a 6-day bus trip across Ireland, hiking up Arthur’s Seat, visiting Disneyland Paris for the first time, and fulfilling my lifelong dream of seeing a black sand beach. As for the people, everyone was so welcoming. I connected with the other study abroad students on a deeper level than I ever expected to, and my flat representative was the sweetest person.
My time in London was amazing, but leaving to go abroad was one of the hardest things I have done in my life. Along with the best times, there were also some not so glamorous parts like the culture shock of moving to a new country and the homesickness that I faced from leaving my fiancé and family. There were also learning curves of things like knowing which butter to buy in the grocery store or even how to get to the grocery store! I had to learn quickly how to navigate public transportation, which can be overwhelming. All these things pushed me beyond what I thought were my limits, but they also showed me that I am so much stronger than I ever thought. It helped me grow to be more independent and comfortable in my skin.
Studying abroad was terrifying but exhilarating at the same time. It pushed me past my comfort zone, but in the best way. It was life changing, and I truly believe that I am a better version of myself because of it. A piece of my heart will always belong to London. If you are thinking about studying abroad, don’t let the millions of excuses stop you from taking the leap, because in the end, it is a once in a lifetime experience that you will always look back on and be grateful that you took the risk.
After graduation in May, I plan to attend graduate school and to pursue a Master’s degree, but the location is still to be determined. Thankfully, Apple & Odom, LLC, my current employer, has offered me a part-time, remote position so I can continue to work in conjunction with my studies. I am excited for the opportunity to continue my professional career with them.
Hannah Lilly, a senior accounting major in the Nielsen College of Business, shared her experience of studying abroad and what she learned.