Campus Events

African American Society, Diversity Office kick off Black History Month

By CSU Media | February 2, 2019

The CSU Diversity Office and African American Society (AAS) will host many events this month in observance of Black History Month. To kick it off, AAS is hosting a Spirit Week on campus Feb. 4 – 8. CSU students, be sure to use the hashtags #AASspiritweek2k19 or #csuBHM2k19 to be entered to win a care package from AAS!

Monday, Feb. 4 – Dashiki Day
Wear your best dashiki! This garment originated in West Africa as a comfortable work tunic for males but turned into a symbol of pride for those fighting for civil rights in the 1960s and 70s. Everyone is welcome to wear one! Gather your friends and take some pictures! 

Tuesday, Feb. 5 – Twin Day
We encourage all students to find a twin for the day! Whether it be a friend, roommate, or even a professor. Dress alike from head to toe and see if people can tell you apart from your stunning double!

Wednesday, Feb. 6 – The 44th & Attire for Hire
In honor of the 44th president Barack Obama we encourage all students to dress “presidential” with their best suits, dress shirts, or dresses! Will your “Presidential” dress get you your dream job? Well, you can find out at the Attire for Hire Event sponsored by the Career Center! Prizes and refreshments will also be available. WCCL 102-103 is where you want to be starting at 6 p.m.

Thursday, Feb. 7 – Throwback Thursday (‘90s and early 2000s)
Put together your best ‘90s and early millennium outfits, if you dare.

Friday, Feb. 8 – Blackout
Get decked out in all-black attire for a classy statement. AAS members will wear their organization’s shirts, so be sure to give them a high five if you see them on campus. 

Other events this month include:

Wednesday, Feb. 13 – Pie an AAS member
Noon – 2 p.m.
Reflection Pond
Come pie your favorite club member of African American Society (with possible special guests) after chapel! Pies will be sold $2 for 1 or $5 for 3.

Wednesday, Feb. 13 – Musical Jubilee
7 p.m.
WCCL 102/103
Featuring the Charleston Southern Jazz Band and One Accord Gospel Choir, as well as President Dondi Costin as speaker.

Tuesday, Feb. 19 – Diversity in Law Enforcement Forum
6 – 8 p.m.
Ashby Hall 204
Join AAS and the American Criminal Justice Association as they discuss diversity in law enforcement with the North Charleston Police Department.

Saturday, Feb. 23 – Unity in the Community Block Party
Noon to 4 p.m.
Buc Park
Join the AAS for the first ever Unity in the Community Block Party! This event will celebrate  Black History Month by bringing together different cultures in the area! There will be free food, games and a contest!

To learn more about how to get involved with the CSU African American Society, contact Michaela Capers at

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