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Why studying the Christian Worldview in college ma...

As high school students approach the possibility of college studies, options are...

| READ MORE: Why studying the Christian Worldview in college matters

Five steps to be a more confident leader

When a leader is not confident, it can cause organizational problems. This might...

| READ MORE: Five steps to be a more confident leader

How to budget for your first apartment 

Freeeeeedom! That’s probably the thought echoing in your head if you’re abou...

| READ MORE: How to budget for your first apartment 

How to keep peace during conflict

Conflict in the Workplace No workplace is perfect. Everyone’s perceptions are ...

| READ MORE: How to keep peace during conflict

Renter’s and homeowner’s insurance

After living in dorms for the first few semesters of college, it is normal for s...

| READ MORE: Renter’s and homeowner’s insurance

Is long-term investing considered gambling?

Defining Long-Term Investments In order to differentiate long-term investing fro...

| READ MORE: Is long-term investing considered gambling?

Why would I need a financial advisor?

Have you ever received a large sum of money and wondered what you should spend i...

| READ MORE: Why would I need a financial advisor?

Keeping money safe online

The 21st century has brought along many wonderful technological advancement...

| READ MORE: Keeping money safe online

Why credit is important!

What is credit and Interest? Credit is money that you borrow from a lender ...

| READ MORE: Why credit is important!