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Public health major reflects on internship in Ecuador

Moving into adulthood as one transitions from college into the real world is no easy task. As students face down the graduation stage, many find themselves facing questions; “Did I choose the right major?” “Will I be able to find a job?” “Have I made good decisions?” and one that rings through the ears of […]

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Wiser finds purpose on mission trip

Moving into adulthood as one transitions from college into the real world is no easy task. As students face down the graduation stage, many find themselves facing questions; “Did I choose the right major?” “Will I be able to find a job?” “Have I made good decisions?” and one that rings through the ears of […]

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Woman Wednesday Series: Laurel Glover

Laurel Glover is an assistant professor of public health in the College of Health Sciences at Charleston Southern University and a doctoral candidate. For the last year, she has led the University Pandemic Task Force as the infection control/COVID-19 coordinator.  Glover’s personal experience in the early days of the pandemic prepared her for this role. […]

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Finding beauty in the breaking

Hannah Silvia became a runner in middle school when her Dad invited her to join him. By her freshman year in high school she had let health take over her life in an unhealthy way.  Her distorted body image came from obsessing over everything she had learned. “I was scared about breaking under the pressure,” said Silvia. “I could control […]

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