Darin Gerdes

Tenured, Professor of Business
Jones Hall
P843-863-7814 / Edgerdes@csuniv.edu


PhD - Organizational Leadership
MA - Public Policy
MBA - Emphasis in Entrepreneurship
BS/BS - Government and Psychology

Dr. Gerdes holds undergraduate degrees in government and psychology from Liberty University. He received his MBA, MA in Public Policy, and his Ph.D.in Organizational Leadership from Regent University. He is a tenured professor of leadership in the Hans. A Nielsen College of Business, the Director of Instructional Technology at Charleston Southern University, and the leadership program coordinator of Strack Center for Global Leadership and Ministry.

He has previously served CSU as the Director of Graduate Programs in the Nielsen College of Business, having designed the current Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership program, and co-designed the current Master of Science in Human Resource Management program. He designed CSU’s new major and minor in Leadership under the Stack Center for Global Leadership and Ministry. Dr. Gerdes is actively innovating and engaging with undergraduate and graduate students to further ensure student success and have an impact on the future leaders of both global and local businesses, church bodies, and communities.

Outside of CSU, Dr. Gerdes is the former president of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA) and the South Carolina Home Educator’s Association (SCHEA). He is a member of the Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA) where he was the recipient of the 2018 Teaching Award. Dr. Gerdes lives in North Charleston with his wife and six children.

Your Purpose. Our Mission.

We know that every student is an individual, and we work with them to help them achieve their goals rather than push them into cookie-cutter molds.

Dr. Darin Gerdes

- 2020 Excellence in Service Award, College of Business, Charleston Southern University
- Best Case Award, Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), 2020
- 2019 Award for Research, College of Business, Charleston Southern University
- Best Case Award, Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), 2019
- The Teaching Award, Christian Business Faculty Association (CBFA), 2018
- Most Valuable Networker Award (July 2016) Great Business Networking (GBN).
- Tenure (April 2016)
- Faculty Member of the Year, 2012, Charleston Southern University School of Business

Journal Articles:

Gerdes, D. L., Fuss, M., O’Brien, Rollins, M., & Rudebock R. (2021, Spring). Four Models for Conducting the Introductory Business Course. CBAR: Christian Business Academy Review. (75-83).

Gerdes, D. L. (2020, Summer). Treason or Reason Southeast Case Research Journal. 17(1), 1-4; 115-119

Gerdes, D. L. & Pearson, R. S. (2020, Summer). Why didn’t the process work? Southeast Case Research Journal. 17(1), 34-39.

Gerdes, D. L. (2019, Fall). Humble Leadership by Edgar Schein and Peter Schein. Journal of Biblical Integration in Business, 22(1), 65-66.

Gerdes, D. L. (2019). Good problems: How excellence in execution leads to greater operational difficulty. Southeast Case Research Journal, 16(1), 62-72.

Gerdes, D. L. (2016, February 21) Where enemies bring victory and allies bring defeat: A case study in organizational change. Southeast Case Research Journal, 13(2), 93-114.

Wilkerson, J. K. and Gerdes, D.L. (2015). Viewing accommodation of employees’ disabilities through a faith lens. The Journal for Biblical Integration in Business, 18(2), 12-23.

Academic Presentations:

Gerdes, D. L., Rollins, J. M, (2021, February 26). “The Missionary, the prostitutes, and the coffee” Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. [Online]

Embry, K., & Gerdes, D. L. (2021, February 26). “The Podcasters’ dilemma” Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. [Online]

Gerdes, D. L., Pearson, R. S, & Rollins, J. M. (2020, February 27-29). “It’s a done deal” Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Gerdes, D. L. & Pearson, R. S. (2020, February 27-29). “Why didn’t the process work?” Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Gerdes, D. L., Peters, S., and Redmer, T. (2020, February 28). “Next Steps Workshop” Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Gerdes, D. L. & Pearson, R. S. (2019, October 19). Using the meta-case to teach economics. Delivered to the 88th International Atlantic Economic Conference, Miami, Florida

Gerdes, D. L. (2019, February 21-23). “Treason or Reason Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

Gerdes, D. L., Fuss, M., O’Brien, R., & Rollins, J. M. (October 5, 2018). The value of the introduction to business course [Panel discussion]. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Conference of the Christian Business Faculty Association. Chattanooga, TN.

Gerdes, D. L. (May 8, 2018). The first lecture I give to my students in the Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership Program. Paper presented at the North Charleston Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn, North Charleston, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2018, April 25). How to become a leader. South Carolina Home Education Association. Blatt Building, 110, South Carolina State House, Columbia, SC

Gerdes, D. L. (2018, February 22-24). Good problems. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. & Pearson, R. S. (2018, February 22-24). Voting my conscience. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (October 2017). How to become the kind of boss you would want to follow. Paper presented at the North Charleston Chamber of Commerce Lunch and Learn, North Charleston, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2017, April 5). Raising up the next generation of leaders. South Carolina Home Education Association. Blatt Building, 110, South Carolina State House, Columbia SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2017, February 23-25). We are family. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2016, August 15). Teaching as ministry. Paper presented at Louisiana College. Pineville, LA.

Gerdes, D. L. (2016, August 16). Teaching in an Online Environment. Paper presented at Louisiana College. Pineville, LA.

Gerdes, D. L. (2016, February 26). The cost of leadership. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. & Rollins, J. M. (2015, February 20). That’s not fair: Perspectives of organizational justice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2014, March 18). Developing leadership at a distance: Theory and practice. Paper presented at the International Academy of Business and Economics Winter 2014 conference, Orlando, FL.

Gerdes, D. L. (2014, March 18). If you want leaders, stop teaching them to be managers. Paper presented at the International Academy of Business and Economics Winter 2014 conference, Orlando, FL.

Gerdes, D. L. (2014, February 21) Where enemies bring victory and allies bring defeat: A case study in organizational change. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), Myrtle Beach, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2013, 12 July). Why ‘Good’ leadership in Business is ‘bad’ leadership for Government. Delivered to Professor Grant Ferguson’s American National Government Class Texas A & M, College Station, TX (online).

Gerdes, D. L. (2013, 5 May). Moving toward a model of leadership education. Paper presented at the Institute of Strategic and International Studies 2013 Key West Interdisciplinary Conference Key West, FL [Internet division].

Gerdes, D. L. (2013, 9 March). Toward a re-evaluation of the role of leadership in management. Paper presented at the 8th International conference of the American Institute of Higher Education, Buffalo, NY [Internet division].

Gerdes, D. L. (2012, 30 May). Teaching leadership in an online environment. Paper presented at the 2012 Commission on Technology Conference of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities, Charleston, SC.

Gerdes, D. L. (2012, 9 March). The Founding Fathers on leadership: Agreement between rivals and disagreement with modern leadership thinkers. Paper presented at the 7th International conference of the American Institute of Higher Education., Williamsburg, VA.

- President, Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), 2019-2020
- Member, Editorial Board, Southeast Case Research Journal, 2019-present
- Site coordinator, Southeast Case Research Association (SECRA), 2017-2019
- Member, AOM, Academy of Management, 2008-2020
- Member, CBFA, Christian Business Faculty Association, 2006-2011, 2016-Present