Your Future in Christian Studies

A Bachelor of Arts in Christian studies at Charleston Southern University helps a student to worship Jesus in any calling and area of life. Whether personally or professionally, a Christian studies degree equips students to minister and live the gospel well in both word and deed in church, parachurch and other settings by establishing a biblical, theological, philosophical and historical framework of Christian orthodox thought and practice. Students are prepared to join the church’s call to 1) make disciples of all nations in the Great Commission and 2) love God and others in the Great Commandments.          

The BA in Christian studies is our primary platform for equipping men and women to serve the Kingdom of God and participate in the Great Commission and the Great Commandments. Every student tackles church history, systematic theology, hermeneutics, philosophy and biblical studies with opportunities for internships with local churches and area parachurch ministries. Students also can choose to take Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, International Missions, Church Planting, Biblical Counseling and other ministry courses.

See below for more information on each of the following emphases: general Christian studies, theology, philosophy, biblical languages, and missions and church planting.

Feel the call to minister to students? Check out our BA in student ministry here.

Charleston Southern University’s accreditation can be found here.

Christian Studies

It's a calling

Dive deeper into Scripture, theology, Church history, philosophy and ministry with multiple emphases within the Christian studies degree program. Specialize in your greatest passion as you follow the call of Christ!

As a Christian studies major, you’ll take courses like…

  • Christian Discipleship
  • Church History
  • Systematic Theology
  • Hermeneutics
  • New Testament Book Study on Romans

Graduates are equipped for a variety of career paths.

  • Pastor
  • Ministry Assistant Teacher
  • Chaplain
  • Scholar
  • Any professional religious service
  • Any secular work

You can choose from these emphases.

The BA in Christian studies is our primary platform for equipping men and women to serve the Kingdom of God and participate in the Great Commission and the Great Commandments. Every student tackles church history, systematic theology, hermeneutics, philosophy and biblical studies with opportunities for internships with local churches and area para-church ministries. Students also can choose to take Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, International Missions, Church Planting, Biblical Counseling and other ministry courses.

Students should take this degree when they desire to understand the Scripture’s understanding of God, man and salvation. This program provides a biblical, historical and theological foundation for students in light of how the church has understood and lived out the gospel for over 2,000 years.

Students should take this degree when they desire to think rightly about God, man and salvation. This program provides clarity on how the ancient Christian pursuit of truth with its biblical worldview, the nature of God in Christ, the current human condition and the hope for human flourishing in light of Christ should impact what we do and say.

Students should take this degree when they desire to read the Bible in its original languages: biblical Hebrew and biblical Greek. Learning the ancient languages face-to-face is a rare opportunity. Any student who wants to go to seminary will be better prepared for it, and students who will not go to seminary will find their time at CSU as perhaps the only chance in life to learn the biblical languages in a classroom setting.

Students should take this degree when they desire to prepare for mission work in or out of the United States so that they can think through what faithfulness to Christ means for their role in the Great Commission in a variety of contexts and platforms. The program tasks students to think biblically and missionally about all of life.

Professor Dr Peter Beck giving a sermon at a pulpit in a church.

The College of Christian Studies

All of our regular faculty have earned PhDs in their specialties and teach all of our students face-to-face, developing real relationships between faculty and students. Each Christian studies faculty member affirms 1) the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, 2) the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy, and 3) The Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood.

The entrance to the Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership at Charleston Southern University.
explore our facilities

Whitfield Center for Christian Leadership

The facility includes classrooms and conference space, including the Drew Conference Center, which accommodates 200, and faculty offices for the College of Christian Studies and College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Named for W. Floyd and Shirley Whitfield.

Through the degree, I gained a deeper appreciation for the Bible. It equipped me with the resources to prepare orthodox yet relevant messages from the Bible. I learned how to study the Word of God for messages, for my personal devotion, and for leading others in faith disciplines. The applied theology and intern courses taught me how to be a pastor and lead others in a variety of settings. My philosophy in family ministry started through a project in the intro to family ministry course with Dr. Howard. I learned how to serve in my church in a mature manner through the philosophical foundation and practical service opportunities in the degree. The relationships with my professors have given me lifelong mentors that I still seek for advice in ministry today.

George Atkins ’15 / Christian studies and business Associate Pastor to Families at Hoffmeyer Road Baptist Church

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