
Bucky’s Welcome 2023

August 19, 2023 7:30 pm-9:30 pm Charleston, S.C., Buccaneer Field

Kick off your school year with a bang! 

Join us for a delightful celebration filled with new friendships, free food, and a spectacular fireworks display that will ignite your Buccaneer Pride! This is the perfect opportunity to get a taste of what college life has to offer and make unforgettable memories.

Don’t miss out on this exciting event! Register now and get ready to experience Bucky’s Welcome 2023! You will recieve a free BUCS WIN shirt with the donation of an Operation Christmas Child Item! Click here for more information on OCC items!Sweet 16 events are specially crafted for the Charleston Southern University community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and invited guests. We kindly request that individuals from outside the university refrain from attending these exclusive gatherings. To ensure a seamless entry for students, a valid CSU ID is mandatory for most events. Please note that Sweet 16 tickets are non-refundable. In the event of your inability to attend, we recommend posting your ticket for sale on the explore page of the BucNation app. If you have any additional inquiries, please feel free to contact us at deanofstudents@csuniv.edu.

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