Academics, Campus wide, COVID-19

Summer II remains online; task force prepares for fall in-person instruction

By Jenna Johnson | June 9, 2020

Today Charleston Southern University announced that Summer II session will officially continue online per the recommendation of the University Pandemic Task Force. Exceptions to this include the Physician Assistant Program, Doctorate in Leadership Program, and Athletic Training Program—which will meet on campus for the remainder of the summer. 

Summer II courses will begin June 29. Currently, CSU plans for an earlier August 19 fall semester start. 

“I am confident in the talent and expertise of our faculty and staff who are leading the efforts of our University Pandemic Task Force,” said President Dondi Costin in his letter to the campus community. “I know they will have a solid plan in place for the university in the coming weeks.”

The task force consists of six subcommittees: public health and medical; academics; athletics; student life, dining, and housing; finance, facilities, and supplies; and implementation. Each subcommittee meets weekly and includes members of CSU’s public health and medical faculty to ensure recommendations align with updated guidelines from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control (SCDHEC) and the South Carolina Governor’s office.

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