
Maxwell Rollins

Maxwell Rollins

Assistant Dean of Business for Graduate Programs
Jones Hall

MS HRM – Courses

The Master of Science in human resource management program was created with working professionals in mind offering courses online and in the evening on campus. Courses are offered year-round with the options online or blended delivery methods each semester.

  • Online: Web-based courses are geared to provide motivated learners greater flexibility as they are challenged by a variety of assignments and learning opportunities.  Students do not have to be online at a certain time; however, there are deadlines for assignments.
  • Blended: Blended courses are also an option for certain courses, combining online with residential.


Core Courses

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
BUSI 610 Managing with Excellence and Integrity 3
BUSI 611 Advanced Human Resource Management 3
BUSI 612 Advanced Organizational Behavior 3
BUSI 623 Business Ethics from a Christian Worldview 3
BUSI 672 Talent Acquisition* 3
BUSI 673 Employee Training and Development* 3
BUSI 674 Employee Compensation and Benefits* 3
BUSI 675 Human Resource Law and Ethics 3
Designated Elective – see below 3
BUSI 678 SHRM Certification Preparation (capstone) 3

Total Credit Hours: 30

BUSI 611 Advanced Human Resource Management is a required prerequisite.

Designated Elective Courses

Choose one elective from the following.

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours
BUSI 624 Leadership Development 3
BUSI 634 Organizational Change and Transformation 3
BUSI 643 Coaching and Mentoring 3
BUSI 651 Special Topics 3
BUSI 669 Graduate Internship 3

MS HRM Orientation

At the beginning of their program, all students are required to complete BUSI 600, MS HRM Orientation (0 credit hours) within the first three weeks of their initial semester. This course will equip new students with the information necessary to ensure success in the CSU MS HRM program.

MS HRM Exit Assessment

At the end of their program, all students are required to complete BUSI 699, MS HRM Exit Assessment (0 credit hours) in their final semester, as a graduation requirement.