Junior Checklist

You’re on your way. You’re taking higher-level courses within your major, completing internships, and mentoring others. Take advantage of all the opportunities coming your way.

  • Professional Pathways: Participate in departmental workshops for your intended profession, conferences, guided research, and other academic professional activities.
  • Work with your advisor to develop your exit strategy. When will you graduate? What’s the plan? Work on an early degree audit with your advisor.
  • Take on leadership opportunities in clubs, through tutoring, and through mentoring underclassmen.
  • Earn one of your required credits in Experimental Learning, or take a class to develop professional and soft skills.
  • Study Abroad.
  • Research graduate school opportunities.
  • Seek a leadership position in an existing student organization, or start your own.
  • Begin mentoring/discipling a freshman.
  • Consider serving as an RA in the Residence Halls.
  • Attend mentorship training along with mentoring opportunities.
  • Connect with the alumni department by giving $19.64 before graduation.
  • Lead a small group on campus.
  • Accept more responsibilities within the local church and campus community.
  • Become a spiritually self-feeder.
  • Update your LinkedIn profile, continue to update your resume and cover letter.
  • Attend on-campus recruitment events, workshops, and career information sessions.
  • Sharpen your interview skills by completing a mock interview with the Career Center.

Year 3 Accomplishments

By now you have:

Completed Experimental Learning Requirement(s).

Participated in faculty/student research.

Grown your grit.


Third year down. Take a few moments to reflect on all you have done and learned in getting to this point. Nothing you learn is ever wasted. As you continue to grow your grit, consider a person of grit is courageous, resilient, passionate, and exhibits strength of character. Now that is something to celebrate!


CSU students in the stands of the football stadium cheering with Buccaneers shirts and Go Bucs signs.

Sports, worship, theatre, concerts, intramurals, homecoming… there’s plenty to keep your calendar full. Show up and show out at any of our campus events!