Academics, Biology, Campus wide, College of Science and Mathematics, Faculty

Walker receives Excellence in Teaching Award

By Jan Joslin | May 4, 2023
Melinda Walker

Dr. Melinda Walker was one of 21 winners recognized recently with Excellence in Teaching Awards by the South Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities. Walker was Charleston Southern University’s selection for the 2023 award and will be recognized at CSU’s commencement. 

Walker, professor of biology, joined CSU as a faculty member in 1995 and is the current chair of the biology department. She earned a PhD in molecular and cellular biology and pathobiology from the Medical University of South Carolina. 

She has taught courses in Anatomy and Physiology, Microbiology, Nutrition, Epidemiology, Human Genetics, Cell Biology, Immunology, and General Biology. As one example of her wide variety of research projects, Walker leads directed student research in the areas of developing algae that produce biofuels and the degradation of plastic bags by bacteria. 

She co-directed three South Carolina Commission on Higher Education grants to provide science teacher resources and faculty development for both CSU and local Innovation Zone elementary schools. 

Walker is the advisor for CSU’s chapter of Tri Beta Biological Honor Society and has led the chapter in several community-based service projects, including Habitat for Humanity, science-based competitions, debates, and hosting science or leadership seminars. She has also led a variety of study trips including a medical mission trip to India, a global education trip to Israel, and local excursions to zoos and aquariums. 

Dr. Jacqueline Fish, vice president for academic affairs said, “Our students know she cares about their current and future success. Her office door is always open for advising students and encouraging professors. She demonstrates true integrity and commitment to her Christian faith both in and out of the classroom. She is an incredibly valuable member of the CSU community and an excellent choice for this award.” 

A faculty member from each of SCICU’s 21 members is nominated for the Excellence In Teaching award according to rigorous guidelines. The award recipients receive a $3,000 professional development grant.

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