Student Government Association

If you are interested in learning more about government and political science, consider running for an SGA position.

The Charleston Southern University Student Government Association seeks to ensure the continuous exchange of ideas and opinions between the students and administration, to further the activities of student life, to develop a greater spirit of progressive citizenship, to assume the fullest responsibilities and powers of self-government consistent with the policies of the CSU administration, to promote the general welfare and to protect the rights of students.

Mini Grants: The Student Government Association offers Mini Grants to CSU Clubs and Organizations. These Mini Grants are offered in the Fall and Spring semesters and are announced through the Board of Student Organizations.

Meet Your SGA Executives & Cabinet

Elizabeth M. England

Major: Political Science 
Graduation year: 2025
Home: Grover, NC

“Over my last two years at CSU it has been one of my greatest joys to serve the student body as both a Senator and Chairwoman, now I have the honor as serving as Student Body President. This gives me the opportunity to work directly with administration and faculty at CSU to ensure that legislation passed by the Senate is enacted. It also allows me to advocate on behalf of the entire study body and to work with President Faulkner to maintain our focus on the students and how decisions for the future will affect both current and incoming students. I hope to help CSU grow, develop, and progress into the future.”


 Caroline G. Jacky

Major: Biochemistry
Graduation Year: 2025
South Carolina

“As Vice President, I work with SGA Senators to improve the student experience at CSU through legislation and events. I will continue to work with students, faculty, and staff to improve student life and academics at Charleston Southern.”


Ella Crabtree

Major: Elementary Education
Graduation year: 2026
Home: Albemarle, NC

“I ran for SGA’s Secretary-Treasurer position because I love being a part of behind the scenes work and being involved in SGA! I love the work SGA does in giving students a chance for their voices to be heard. Though one day I will graduate and no longer be at CSU, I am encouraged in knowing that I can be a part of things that create a lasting impact on this campus.”


Judiciary Chair – Hannah Dawson

Student Affairs Chair – Ma’Kayla Ross

Parliamentarian – Jackson Link

Meet Your SGA Senators

Traikon Johnson

Ashley Butler
Shane Mathis
Evan Rapp
Grace Dorner
John Hoppmann
Joseph Diegel
Kariel Burg
Macie Thomas
Morgan Garrick